Bushra is a Pakistani expat in Saudi Arabia with 2 children. Already earning 6 figures as a consultant, she wanted to make money with a business that gave her more freedom and flexibility.
She followed every step in Zero to Launch — from finding an idea to launching her first online product — to create a side business in a brand new field.
Bushra earns twice as much from her part-time online business than she does from her full-time job. She’s now planning to take summers off to spend time with her family.

“Zero to Launch helps you create products and courses that sell themselves.” — Bushra Azhar
*Note: This video is from Feb. 2014, before Bushra’s online business exploded
“I was afraid of tarnishing my image”
Although Bushra was earning 6 figures as a business consultant, the busy mother of two wanted more freedom and flexibility in her life. She knew online business could help, but she didn’t want to ruin her reputation with a “spammy online business.”
“I was afraid of tarnishing my image. I have a great Google presence and a corporate blog. If you search my name, you see all these great hits. That’s important because it’s how I get leads for my consulting business.”
Watch how Bushra learned that you can create a credible online business while maintaining a stellar reputation.
She joined Zero to Launch without a business idea
At first Bushra didn’t know what kind of business she wanted to start. Using the techniques taught in Zero to Launch, she came up with several exciting ideas and then tested them for profitability.
“I went through Ramit’s Idea Mapping exercise and came up with 9 different ideas. Then I tested each and killed a few because I realized they wouldn’t work. By the end I was left with one: teaching entrepreneurs about persuasion and negotiation.”
“Why would anyone listen to me?”
Bushra had a great reputation in her industry — but her online business had nothing to do with her established career.
“I had zero credentials when I started my online business. I’ve never worked in psychology or persuasion. I’ve never even taken a copywriting course. For a long time I wasn’t even sure if it was spelled ‘copywriting’ or ‘copyrighting’!”
She soon learned her lack of “credentials” didn’t matter. Using what she learned in Zero to Launch, she was able to connect with her audience so deeply that they immediately saw her as someone who could help them. She explains how in more detail below.
“Online success happens so quickly”
In October 2014, six months after joining Zero to Launch and following the program to a T, Bushra launched her first product for $49. Within two weeks, she had 320 sales.
“It was mind-boggling. I was completely hooked.”
With $15,680 in the bank, Bushra continued creating and launching new products over the next few months. By the end of the year, she earned $30,000 just from online courses and coaching services.
She made $23,999 selling online courses within 8 months
How Bushra 10X’d her sales the next year
Then Bushra started to worry that the only reason people bought from her was because her prices were low. So the next year she began offering more premium programs. She even made a goal to hit $50,000 in sales in July. Her husband thought she was delusional.
“I woke up every morning and told my husband ‘I’m going to make $50,000 this month.’ He didn’t believe me.
“I didn’t care. I created a new product and sold it for $297. I sold all 190 of them in 4 days and made $56,000. It was fun — I got to rub it in my husband’s face.”
A small fraction of the Bushra’s July sales
Now she had proof people would pay her a substantial amount of money online. So she took her business a step further. In October 2015, she created a new program with 3 different tiers that sold for $499, $799, or $1,499.
She earned $130,000 from that launch.
The lessons she learned from Zero to Launch played a major role in this success.
“Before I launched my first program, I went through the Zero to Launch worksheets 6-7 times. Once you learn those principles, you’re able to create products and courses that sell themselves.”
She created “a massive, loyal community”
Bushra loves the work she’s doing. But what really excites her is the people she gets to work with.
“I created a massive, loyal community. These people are intelligent and passionate just like me. They’re not clients, they’re friends. I love working with them.”
As great as the money is, her real measure of success is getting emails like this each day:
Leaving a 6-figure job and taking summers off
Bushra never thought her business would reach this level. She thought if she was lucky, she might make $10,000 per month online.
But the revenue she’s made from this part-time business is double what she earns as a full-time consultant. Now she’s able to step away from her full-time job to spend more time with her loved ones.
“I’m planning to take summers off so that I can visit my family in Pakistan.”
Need help finding a business idea?
One of the Bushra’s biggest breakthroughs was using the Zero to Launch system to find an idea she knew would be profitable. If you’re looking for a business idea of your own, enter your email in the box below to get my special report: 30 Successful Online Business Ideas.
We are no longer offering our flagship courses Zero to Launch or Earn1K. Both courses have been replaced with a new, comprehensive program that gives you everything you need to start and grow your own business. Introducing…EARNABLE. The only business program proven over 15+ years, 50+ industries and 42,000+ students. Learn more here.
Success Stories: Bushra is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.